5 Questions You Should Ask Your Child Everyday

listening parenting Jun 04, 2020

As parents, it is essential for parents to interact daily with their child. Aside from helping to build the relationship between parents and the child, it also provides the parents insight into the child’s feelings and any struggles the child might be dealing with. In a way, this provides the child with some sort of reassurance and that the parents will be there in times of trouble.

It is important to keep things simple, avoid forcing the child, ask the right questions, pay full attention when the child is talking and maintain constant eye contact. Instead of asking basic question such as “how was your day”, you may consider the following 5 interesting questions.

What was the toughest thing you had to do today?

This enables to child to open up and share his/her struggles and most importantly the child knows he/she can depend on their parents for a solution. By having this communication with the child, it will help to boost the child’s confidence and eliminate chances of going through stress or depression.

Can you show me something you learned (or did) today?

This is possibly one of the many common questions parents should ask their children. By asking the child what he/she learned today would provide parents an insight into the child’s progress in school and be on top of the child’s academic performance.

What was your least favorite part of the day?

This is an excellent way to allow your child to reflect on what happened. This enables the child to share things that are upsetting them such as struggles with school works, fearful towards a particular teacher, unable to complete homework on time, or even regarding possible social issues faced in school. By allowing the child to share, you as parents would be able to listen and at the same time provide some advice. In this way, the child will feel less stressed and feel motivated instead.

What do you feel grateful for today?

By asking a child what he/she feels grateful for today, this promotes optimism and enables the child to develop a more positive outlook. The child would be able to pause for a moment and reflect on what he/she has in life right now instead of always asking for more.

Who did you play with today?

Friends play a big part in a child’s life and development. As parents, it is essential to know who your child connects with. You may also encourage your child to invite his/her friend(s) over to get to know the friend(s) a little better. By allowing the child to do this you will be able to remember their friend’s name in order to be able to keep up with all the stories the child has to share.

By showing you take a genuine interest in your child’s life would in a way improves the bond between parents and their child. If you have not tried this approach, you may start asking your child the above questions and observe how your child responds.


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