Techniques for Effective Classroom Management

Proactive and reactive approaches to classroom management address discipline styles. Every teacher uses one of the two approaches to deal with discipline issues and must find a way to effectively discipline his classroom for it to run smoothly.

Two Approaches

  1. A proactive approach is when the teacher tries to eliminate a problem behavior before it becomes a problem.
  2. A reactive approach is when the teacher deals with behavior when it becomes a problem in the classroom. Both approaches are used by teachers in addressing misbehavior in their classrooms. Teachers must deal with problem behavior to not interrupt the education process.


Understanding Why Students Misbehave - Four Types

  1. The attention seeker strives for attention so his behaviors will allow him to be the focus of the classroom. 
  2. The power seeker refuses to follow direction and must have the last word. 
  3. The revenge seeker will verbally abuse others. 
  4. Some misbehave because they wish to avoid failure....
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