Tips for kids with Special Needs to Wear a Mask

We are living in a time where mask-wearing is now a necessity for our survival. But mask-wearing can be a difficult task for kids and especially with kids with special needs and kids with sensitivity issues. Kids might feel itching or ticklish, resent to wear masks and have meltdowns. All these can make life difficult for parents and guardians. So, here are some tips to help kids adapt to wearing a mask.


1. Explain why wearing a mask is necessary.

  • Use easy to understand language and positive phrasing.
  • Use picture and video aids.
  • Social story. 

2. Show photos that mask-wearing is the norm.

  • Ask family members and friends to take a photo with a mask on.

3. Take small steps to get used to wearing a mask.

  • Holding the mask.
  • Put the mask on your kid's face.
  • Pull the elastic around the ears. If it is uneasy, stitch buttons on either side of the elastic using your kids favourite cap and use that instead of wearing it around the ears.
  • Let the child wear for a...
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Educational Dilemma during COVID!

Since COVID, we may be at a loss of what education is best for our children. But we will need to remind ourselves that while education aims to teach, the evidence of impactful teaching is in effective learning. Education is not about marks scored in tests and exams as these do not reflect intelligence. Education is a life-long learning journey in which the student learns to be confident, self-reliant, and communicates effectively.

Two wrongs do not make a right! 

Yes, the situation we are all in because of COVID is wrong from every angle. And with confinement, our anxieties are getting magnified many folds. The biggest anxiety parents are experiencing is the concern they have about their child’s access to school. Schools are closed and when they will restart is unknown to you or me or anyone, from India to America to Argentina! When schools do reopen, what the situation will be like and how children will stay safe, is another question, with no answer!

Now comes the...

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Adapting to COVID-19: A special guide for parents of children with ASD

asd autism covid parenting Jun 29, 2020

 COVID-19 has not only introduced a global pandemic, but has also significantly changed the way we operate in our daily lives. Due to spatial distancing measures imposed because of the pandemic, the closure of both mainstream and special needs schools were necessary to curb the spread of the virus.

As a result, families made arrangements to incorporate home-based learning and also had to think of ways to ensure that the children can continue to learn and develop, and not regress in this unfortunate circumstance that we are in. Particularly for children with ASD, the regular face-to-face interventions they have been receiving from professionals had to be restricted and parents, in turn, may experience an increased level of stress during this period.


Though these restrictions are being lifted gradually, going about our days like how we used to before the pandemic might not be possible just yet. The aim of this post is to give some suggestions, summarised in 5 tips, to help...

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