Tips for kids with Special Needs to Wear a Mask

We are living in a time where mask-wearing is now a necessity for our survival. But mask-wearing can be a difficult task for kids and especially with kids with special needs and kids with sensitivity issues. Kids might feel itching or ticklish, resent to wear masks and have meltdowns. All these can make life difficult for parents and guardians. So, here are some tips to help kids adapt to wearing a mask.


1. Explain why wearing a mask is necessary.

  • Use easy to understand language and positive phrasing.
  • Use picture and video aids.
  • Social story. 

2. Show photos that mask-wearing is the norm.

  • Ask family members and friends to take a photo with a mask on.

3. Take small steps to get used to wearing a mask.

  • Holding the mask.
  • Put the mask on your kid's face.
  • Pull the elastic around the ears. If it is uneasy, stitch buttons on either side of the elastic using your kids favourite cap and use that instead of wearing it around the ears.
  • Let the child wear for a...
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Positive Reinforcements and Learning

There are hundreds of day-to-day life situations where positive reinforcements are used. A boy gets a candy after helping someone, a baby takes his first steps and everybody claps, a student gets a star on his hand after nicely doing his worksheet, a girl gets a hug from her grandpa after picking up his cane, an employee gets a bonus for extra work hours, a customer gets a soap-free when he buys two, a soldier receives feedback by his sergeant upon successfully completing the task, a child with special needs receives a cookie and a high-5 with a big smile from his teacher when he successfully completes stacking a tower, etc. There so many more such examples where either we use them, not even knowingly; and we are also being used these techniques upon (e.g. in the example of the customer). 


In all the above examples, one link is common. Something happens or something is done and after that (or as a result of that) a positive, enjoyable entity is added. This “added...

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